My Bedroom - Beds And Mattresses From Childhood

My Bedroom
Squawking, shushing plus screaming baby sounds familiar when I remember going to bed when I was younger. That’s what you get for sharing a room with a sister 5 years older, and another who’s 12 years older with a little person in tow. Me in a white wooden cabin bed, my sisters in bunk beds, and the little one in a maple cot leaving not much room for anything else other than breathing. Not that we left much of that to do, there were that many squabbles! My section of wall covered in pictures I’d done at school, the wall showered in the latest boy band posters. The colour of the wall behind all those is still a mystery, white I think, or a pale blue.

The baby and elder sister moved out eventually, and the cabin bed dismantled. I then moved onto the bottom bunk, they were metal and black as I remember. Thin and tubular with wire mesh like bases but sturdy. They began to squeak over time so with every toss, turn and roll you made everybody knew. With all the stuff that we had, especially sharing a room I would have loved one of our childrens storage beds

The bunk bed eventually passed on and then came the guest bed, which was no good to me, I never had anyone over! Probably because of two words you’ll understand. Embarrassing Parents. By then I’d swapped rooms with them because at the time they were in a smaller bedroom, so now everyone had flew the nest it was my turn for the master room. The comfiest mattress up to date, by Sweet Dreams Beds I think. Although it was open coil, it was soft and therefore comfortable to me, saw me through high school. The room was green, pale green at that so I set immediately upon decorating, began with stripping that awful woodchip wallpaper. 

Lay down wooden floor after ripping up the brown carpet. Felt like a miniature Claire Sweeney. I’d always wanted one of those half ball sphere chairs that hung from the ceilings like you’d see on the MTV show Cribs, needless to say I never got one. A lava lamp would have finished off the room, instead I got an exotic pet in the form of my turtle Sheldon a.k.a Henry when we couldn't remember his name.

All grown up, I moved out, didn't work and went back home to the safe and secure environment of my family. And I don't have to sleep on a "cheap" bed anymore. It is true that really cheap beds and mattresses aren't good. 

Straw/cream coloured walls, chocolate brown lightshade and chocolate curtains. Reversible cream and brown bed covers and lots of pillows! New mattress a double Healthbeds Memoryflex, felt like heaven, took about a week to get used to though. Famous poster on the wall of those men eating lunch on a beam of a skyscraper, you know the one. And as a grown up, no longer a child I finally get a lovely bed with storage.

Anyway I'm off home now to have a fantastic sleep on my Healthbeds Mattress.

We're a family run bed company with a lovely team alongside us. We deliver nationwide across the UK. In additon to this, we have a large showroom at 1-2 Hooton Road, Cheshire, CH66 7NA with our Sleepland exclusive children's beds on display, plus divans, bed frames, and mattresses from other quality brands. For over 15 years, our unique Sleepland® exclusive children's beds, storage beds and bunk beds have offered high quality with Star Buy sale prices everyday. We deliver through the week, however London and surrounding areas, are only of a Saturday and Sunday each and every week.

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